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Wildlife Pin Badges is a website dedicated to showcasing the range of badges that are available from the many great UK and international wildlife organisations, with links to purchase direct from the organisations themselves.


The best wildlife themed pin badges are those that come from charities, animal parks and similar organisations. Not only are they often well designed and educational, but they also help raise vital funds for conservation projects.

Although most wildlife related charities started creating pin badges as a simple fundraising tool since then they have become highly collectable. By creating this online database of badges it means fellow collectors can see what badges are available and what they might be missing from their collections.

Get Involved

Feel free to help build this website! Many pin badges might only be known in some regions or have limited production runs, and a lot of charities don't post about their badges online. Use the 'Contact' page to send me information on any badges I have missed out or are missing images. Some of the images use are in poor quality, if you can help please let me know on:

RSPB on ebay

Ebay has become one of the more popular selling platforms for all pin badges. The most popular being RSPB badges. When buying badges its always worth purchasing from the official RSPB seller as 100% will go back to them.

Wildlife Pin Badges

You can show your support of this site by purchasing our Wildlife Pin Badges. This Slow Worm pin badge and others are available via eBay - Click the image to be taken there.

The sale of this pin badge will go into creating the next in the series of wildlife pin badges with half of the funds raised going to worthwhile wildlife charities.

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