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Bird Pin Badges UK

Birders Against Wildlife Crime

Birders Against Wildlife Crime (BAWC) is an independent, volunteer-led, campaign group set up in 2014 by a group of experienced birders and conservationists who fight back against crimes being committed against wildlife.


BAWC Logo and Backing Card


Henry the Hen Harrier

Get your badges and support BAWC by donating here:

3-TOBWASM-2 - Copy

Hen Harrier (No Longer Available)


Hen Harrier Day Logo (No Longer Available)


New 2017 Pin


Long Logo Pin

Hawk and Owl Trust

The Hawk and Owl Trust is a nationwide Charity founded in 1969. It is dedicated to conserving owls and birds of prey in the wild through increased knowledge and understanding of them.
The badges are generally RSPB pins on the trust backing cards. Just some examples:

Alderney Bird Observatory

Alderney Bird Observatory is a bird observatory on the island of Alderney, in the Channel Islands. It was setup in March 2016, with the logistical support of the Alderney Wildlife Trust to study bird migration and the island's seabird colonies.
Badge not available online but visit their website:
Alderney Bird Observatory

The Barn Owl Trust

The Barn Owl Trust is a small UK charity working hard to conserve one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. Owl rescue, nestboxes, habitat advice, owl facts.
Pin badge can be found here:

Welsh Kite Trust

A registered charity dedicated to the conservation and monitoring of the very important species, the red kite, and other raptor species in Wales.
More information can be found here:

British Trust for Ornithology

BTO Cuckoo

Cuckoo pin available with certain adoption packs

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science aimed at using evidence of change in wildlife populations, particularly birds, to inform the public, opinion-formers and environmental policy and decision-makers.
BTO logo

The Greensand Trust

The Greensand Trust is an independent environmental charity that works with local communities and landowners to conserve and enhance the distinctive landscape, wildlife and history of the Greensand Ridge and wider area, improving access, understanding and enjoyment for the benefit of everyone.

Great Bustard Group 

The Great Bustard Group is a UK Registered Charity, symptoms working to reintroduce the species to the UK and to promote its interests throughout its range. Based on a feasibility study, in 2003, DEFRA issued a 10-year trial-licence to release Great Bustards in the UK. Releases have taken place annually since 2004.

Songbird Survival

SongBird Survival is an independent, UK-wide, environmental bird charity that funds research into the alarming decline in Britain’s much cherished songbirds. They hope to draw attention to the plight of our song and other small birds and fund research into the causes of their decline in order to help promote solutions to restore songbird numbers.
Purchase a SongBird badge here:

Sussex Peregrine Study


A small group of dedicated enthusiasts monitoring the peregrine population in Sussex since the late 1980’s. Ornithologists, ecologists, specialist chalk climbers, police wildlife liaison and field workers are all part of a team effort.

More information can be found here:

Pin badges sold by independent designer to raise funds for the group.

Available via eBay and Etsy.

Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group

They record and monitor various raptor species in Gloucestershire. Improving knowledge on annual breeding of these species and other interesting behaviours. They also help increase awareness and contribute to conservation.
Badge can purchased here:

Norfolk Naturalists Trust

Norfolk Naturalists Trust

The Society is the county’s oldest natural history organisation, founded in 1869. Ever since, its members have been studying and publishing information about the state of Norfolk’s wildlife.

More bird pin badges can be found on the Reserves page - Click Here

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